Workhorse Navigator DVL

Manufacturer: Teledyne RD Instruments

The Workhorse Navigator DVL is the industry’s first choice for precision navigation applications. Teledyne RDI’s highly acclaimed Workhorse Navigator DVL provides precise velocity and altitude updates for a wide variety of underwater tasks. Workhorse Doppler Velocity Log Traditional underwater navigation systems provide only periodic position update that can leave you uncertain as to where your ROV/AUV, or vehicle is located. Teledyne RD Instruments revolutionary Workhorse Navigator DVLs fill in these gaps with high rate, high precision navigation data, using patented BroadBand bottom tracking algorithms. Now you can feel confident that you know your exact underwater location at all times – even in deep water. The highly flexible design allows the unit to be used in a standalone configuration or integrated with other navigation systems.
The compact and powerful Workhorse Navigator DVL provides:

  • Patented BroadBand processing technology
  • Reliable and accurate high-rate navigationand positioning data
  • Superior low-altitude bottom tracking capability
  • Real-time current profiling data
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Workhorse Navigator DVL