Whether your work involves mooring chain inspection, spool metrology, asset damage assessment or general subsea structures 3D reconstruction, the HYDRO 300 combines the latest photogrammetric developments with an unmatched ease of use to deliver high accuracy 3D models with no scale bar on the subject.
With the objective of bringing subsea photogrammetry in reach of everyone, we put a lot of effort into engineering a cost effective and easy to use solution while taking no shortcut. All units from the IVM Series, such as the HYDRO 300, can be operated by any competent subsea surveyor. No longer do you have to hire an “expert” to attain high accuracy models. Delivered with a preconfigured processing unit, you can choose to handle internally a complete survey from data acquisition up to the 3D model analysis.
The system is compact, light-weight and fits all ROVs, from Observation to Work Class. A diver kit is also available. With integrated LED lighting, the scene is perfectly illuminated to maximise results. Due to its size, the HYDRO 300 can be hand carried for rapid response jobs.
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IVM Series Hydro 300