This very high-resolution Cesium vapor marine magnetometer is low in cost, small in size, and offers flexibility for professional surveys in shallow or deep water. Use your personal computer with our MagLogTM software to log, display and print GPS position and magnetic field data. The system directly interfaces to all major side-scan manufacturers for tandem tow configurations. Being small and lightweight, it is easily deployed and operated by one person. But add several streamlined weight collars and the system can quickly weigh more than 100 lbs for deep-tow applications. This marine magnetometer system is particularly well-suited for the detection and mapping of all sizes of ferrous objects. This includes anchors, chains, cables, pipelines, ballast stones and other scattered shipwreck debris, munitions of all sizes (UXO), aircraft, engines and any other object with a magnetic expression.

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G-882 Cesium Marine Magnetometer